Students of all levels at Cashmere High School are recommended and strongly encouraged to bring an appropriate device to school. A student owned internet capable device is now an important part of a student's toolkit, giving them instant access to unlimited resources and enabling them to support, extend, communicate and share their learning in a way that prepares them for the future.
As a school, we have decided that no one device fits all learners, and are therefore offering choice with regards to the device that a student can provide. With that said, senior students are required to produce the majority of their NCEA assessments online, therefore a laptop would be the device of choice for Year 11 to 13 students.For help in choosing a device, we have provided some specifications in our BYOD flyer.
The advantages of a student owned device have been highlighted in a recent literature review carried out by Noeline Wright from the University of Waikato (2010). She concludes that there is a number of benefits with regards to using a variety of eLearning experiences in the classroom on a regular basis. These include improved motivation and engagement, greater independence and personalised learning, improved critical thinking, greater access to information, resources and experts and allowing a greater opportunity for collaboration in a wider context than just the classroom.