
School Uniform Shop

Shop Hours (Term time only) Monday to Friday  10.00am - 2.00pm

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Cashmere High School Uniform Shop is situated on site opposite our Student Reception.

    The school uniform shop does carry a large amount of stock (popular sizes) so most orders can be collected at the time of payment. However, if you have special size requirements these will be custom made (please allow 4 - 6 weeks from date of order).

    PLEASE NOTE: We no longer supply bags so please remember to bring your own shopping bag!

    ​​​​​​​All Year 9 to 12 students are to wear the regulation uniform as a condition of school enrolment, these can be purchased online or from our school uniform shop situated in the main school office.

    Year 13 students are permitted to not wear uniform; however, they must adhere to the Dress Code Expectations for Year 13 students outlined here. They must also adhere to the jewellery, hair and make up rules set out for students wearing the school uniform.

    This practice seeks to recognise the transition to the world of work and further study. At this level, the school respects individual difference and taste, but Year 13 students need to be mindful of the leadership role they have in the wider school. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Online Uniform Shop

    The school online uniform shop is now live.  To purchase uniform online please click on the button


    Information on how to book kilt fitting will be sent out to families mid-March and a direct link will be added here. 

    Current Uniform

  • Second-Hand Uniform Shop

    The Cashmere High School Second Hand Uniform Shop is now being run online in the form of a Buy and Sell Page on Facebook.  This page is organised by volunteer parents.

    You will need to become a member before you can post items.  

    The link to the page is below

    Please read the rules at the top of the group before buying or selling.

    ​​​​​​​For all uniform enquiries or to make an appointment please telephone the school on 03 332 9129 extension 321.  Alternatively you can contact Rochelle by email:  uniform@cashmere.school.nz

    Shoe Clinic

    School Rewards

    Nominate your school and they receive $10 for every pair of school shoes sold

    Reap the Rewards!

    Get $10 off any of our great school shoes instore

    Perfect Shoes for Your Feet

    30 Day Money Back Guarantee on all shoes

    Advantage Club

    Join the club & earn points on every purchase $500 spent = $50 voucher

    The Athlete's Foot

    School Rewards

    The school rewards programme is a great fundraising opportunity with $15.00 of sporting equipment or $10.00 being donated back to our school every time you buy a pair of shoes. 

    This applies to the whole family across our fantastic ​​​​​​​range of school, sports, work and casual shoes.