Board of Trustees

The Board is made up of the Principal, one staff trustee, five elected parent trustees, and a student trustee. The trustees are elected by parents and staff members every three years, while the student trustee is elected annually. The Board is also able to co-op additional trustee members if required.

The Role of the Board

The Board's responsibilities include governing the school and setting its direction. This includes the curriculum, staff, property, health and safety, finance and administration. The long-term goals and annual targets for the school are set in a charter, which the board monitors and reports annually on progress towards.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

All correspondence for the Board should be sent to the Principal's PA

Parent Representatives

Mr James O'Connell (Chairperson)

Rachel Eadie (Deputy Chairperson)

Jeremy Crang

Jordana Clark​​​​​​​

Susan Roy

Staff Trustee

Mr Tom Willkinson

Student Trustees

Lucy Ellis


Mr John Stradwick

​​​​​​​Associate Principal

Ms Carla Smith (in attendance)

Board Secretary

Marilou Crequer

The Board meets monthly and if you would like a copy of the minutes please contact the Principal's PA

School Charter

The Education Act 1989 requires every school to have a Charter. This document must include the following:

  • The school's vision and values
  • A strategic section that outlines for the next three to five years the school's goals
  • An annually up-dated section that sets out the school's priorities and sets targets for key activities and achievement of objectives (i.e. annual targets).​​​​​​​

The annual targets must set out our objectives and priorities relating to raising student achievement, and set targets for the key activities and achievement of objectives for the year.

A copy of the Charter is sent to the Ministry of Education each year.

School Annual Report

Schools as publicly funded Crown entitles are required to produce an annual report that covers:

  • the board's annual financial statements
  • a discussion of the progress the school has made towards the planned goals and targets for student achievement set out in the annually updated part of its charter.

The annual report has to be sent to the school's auditors by 31 March and a copy of the audited report sent to the Ministry by 31 May each year.

ERO Report

The Education Review Office (ERO) is a government department whose purpose is to evaluate and report publicly on the education and care of students in schools.

Cashmere High School's most recent ERO report was published in June 2019. 

This is an overwhelmingly positive report and a positive endorsement of the strong leadership in our school and the great work being done by our staff to support the learning and achievement of our students.  The overall evaluation judgement of our performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is "well placed".

Please click on the link below to read this most recent report (June 2019).

Our school's previous ERO visit was in 2013. To view a copy of this report, please click on the link below.

Cashmere High School – building professional capability through learning walks

A vision to take the school from good to great is the driver for improvement at Cashmere High School. As part of achieving that vision, the principal has focused on developing a culture of evaluation and inquiry that involves scrutinising data to identify strengths and weaknesses, discussing solutions openly and critically, and improving the effectiveness of professional practice. The principal wants to know “what’s good, but also what’s not good enough.”

Professional learning walks provide an opportunity for teachers to observe and reflect on effective teaching strategies that will assist, challenge and improve their practice – leading to increased engagement and achievement for students in their classes. more,