Technology (Hangarau) Faculty 

Innovation by Design/ Auahatanga mā te hoahoa

Welcome to our Faculty of Technology Web pages/ paetukutuku mō te Tari Hangarau (Faculty of Hangarau)​​​​​​​

The Faculty of Technology aims to equip students with knowledge and skills that will let them participate in society as informed citizens, and give them access to technology related careers.

 Our teaching and learning programmes are aimed at helping students to develop lifelong learning strategies (such as effective research skills and critical thinking), the confidence to take risks in their learning (by trialling and testing new methods/materials), the ability to analysis the societal and environmental impacts of technological outcomes (their own and others), and the confidence to communicate their ideas to a wider audience.

The study of Technology involves students learning to be innovative developers of products and systems and discerning consumers, in this constantly changing and challenging world.

We are very fortunate at Cashmere to have the staff expertise and facilities to offer students a wide range of specialist Technology courses. Our junior programmes (Years 9 and 10) provide the foundation for our Senior NCEA L1-3 and Scholarship courses.

Whether students are planning to continue on to tertiary studies or enter the workforce directly, our senior courses will have prepared them well. Students will have experienced managing their own time and resources effectively and efficiently, collaborating with others and communicating to a variety of audiences using a wide range of communication modes.

Students continuing in Technology through to Senior levels (Years 11,12 and 13) are often considering further studies and careers in

Architecture, Landscape Design, Product Design, Exhibition Design, Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Networking, Electronics Technologies, Manufacturing/ Industrial Technologies, Fashion Design and Textiles Development, Food Technology.

Digital Technologies

Students undertaking studies in this department will develop industry-desired skills to create a range of authentic digital products suitable for end users. Key to this is the development of each student’s ability to develop the relevant problem-solving skills to develop rational and practical solutions for identified problems. Participants will have the opportunity to experience working in both collaborative and individual project development environments, implementing important conventions and tools used in industry.

Our senior students continue in tertiary studies in Engineering, Computer Networking, Computer Science, Information Science, Media and Product App Design.​​​​​​​


Problem Solving 

Skill Development

Project Delivery

Design - Architecture & Product Design

Hoahoatanga me āna hua

Students undertaking studies in this department will have a keen interest in designing spaces, environments, and products, as well as communicating their design ideas to others.

Our teaching and learning programmes are designed to help mould students to be creative thinkers, understand the constraints of technical feasibility, and be able to take conceptual ideas through to refined and well-documented solutions. Students experience working in a collaborative environment using industry standard 3D modelling programs and digital sketching devices. In addition, students develop skills in design communication and promotion culminating with a public exhibition in their final year.

We believe our students are leaving the Year 13 course with the attributes needed to continue exploring this challenging, dynamic and diverse field. Most of our senior students continue in tertiary studies in Architecture, Landscape Design, Exhibition Design or Engineering.


Architectural / Landscape Design

Product Design

Project Delivery

Multi-Materials Technology

Students/ākonga undertaking studies in this department will have a keen interest in designing and making products that are fit-for-purpose in terms of the intended use, the end user and the environment in which it will be sited.

Our teaching and learning programmes simultaneously allow ākonga/students to:

  • Develop an understanding and application of a creative design process that leads to the creation of products that are a fit for purpose, for ether individuals, whānau/families, or communities.
  • Develop knowledge about materials, techniques and processes which are intrinsic to their application and use.
  • Develop practical skills required to manipulate and test a range of materials and construction techniques, including computer-controlled technologies such as Laser and plasma cutters and routers.
  • Develop an understanding of sustainable practices.
  • Develop an understanding of the Mātauranga Māori Principles and explore the importance of tikanga Māori and traditional Pacific practices to understand how technology outcomes impact on people, hapū, and iwi.
  • Develop good health and safety practices in a workshop environment. ​​​​​​​ 
  • Our teaching and learning programmes are designed to prepare students/ākonga for their future pathways, whether that be further tertiary study, a modern apprenticeship, or a startup business.


Food & Textile Technologies


Food Technology


Fashion & Textiles

Early Childhood Education